Life Planning

Aims and Objectives

The Life Planning Team aims to provide students with information, guidance and assistance in career development and further education. We strive to help students develop their own academic and career aspiration in accordance to their interest, abilities and orientations, and encourage them to make informed choice on their learning, occupations, careers goals as well as other aspects of life. We also aim to increase students’ readiness for work and enhance their understanding on employability of different professions through a wider exposure to work-related issues and careers-related learning experiences.

Life Planning Committee 2023-2024
Position Name
Life Planning Co-ordinator Ms. WONG Wing-yi

Deputy Life Planning Co-ordinator

Ms. LAW Po-yu


Ms. LAI Wong-shan


Ms. SUN Pui-shan

Mr. WONG Sui-kwan
Student List of Life Planning Committee 2023-24
Position Class Name
Chairperson 5C Li Kasper
Vice-chairperson 5C Ngo Ka Ho
  4C Mao Kin Pok
Secretary 3D Choi Pak Ho
Treasurer 5C Lo Ka Hei Max
Committee Members 5C Chan Nok To
  4D Leung Wai Hin
  4D Chong Kin On
  4D Chan Pak Yuk
  3B Cheng Tsz Chung
Address: 42 Chai Wan Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 2560 3544 Fax: (852) 2568 9708 Email: