1.1 To enable students to develop an ever-improving capability to use English through listening, speaking, reading and writing language skills:
1.1.1 to think and communicate
1.1.2 to acquire, develop and apply knowledge
1.1.3 to respond and give expression to experience
1.2 To enable students to develop and apply an ever-increasing understanding of how language is organized, used and learned
1.3 To enable students to develop language development strategies embodying generic skills
1.3.1 thinking skills
1.3.2 reference skills
1.3.3 library skills (or study skills)
1.3.4 information skills
1.3.5 positive attitudes
1.3.6 self-evaluation
1.3.7 working with others
1.4 To provide students of a second language with further opportunities for extending their knowledge and experience of the cultures of other people as well as opportunities for personal and intellectual development, further studies and pleasure in the English medium
Program Content |
2.1 Presentations should be conducted after pair work or group work in daily teaching (at least 1 / chapter) 2.1.1 Target students: P.2, 5 2.1.2 Presentations should be demonstrated before pair work / group work 2.1.3 Cue cards containing target sentence patterns should be provided 2.1.4 After the presentations, teachers should give feedback on the students’ performance
2.2 Through one-minute presentations, students learn the structure and language used in public speaking 2.2.1 Target students: P.6 2.2.2 Students take turns doing one-minute presentations (at least twice per semester) 2.2.3 A record indicating the date and topic when each student conducted the presentation should be displayed in the classroom 2.2.4 The topics will be assigned by teachers at least one week in advance 2.2.5 The structure of the speech should include an introduction, main body, and closing 2.2.6 Teachers should provide feedback on the students’ performance (checklist)
2.3 Conduct workshops on using Nearpod and incorporate it into co-planning lessons to enhance classroom interaction 2.3.1 Teachers’ workshop (Using Nearpod in English teaching) 2.3.2 Target students: P.6 2.3.3 Co-plan (1 / semester) 2.3.4 Use Nearpod in motivation / development / sharing / assessment 2.3.5 Teachers’ sharing in English meeting
2.4 Teaching materials should be uploaded on Google Classroom to enable students to utilize the ability to learn both face-to-face and online through the digital platform 2.4.1 Target students: P.5-6 2.4.2 Co-plan: 1 / term 2.4.3 Pre-lesson task, teaching PPT (save as PDF), post-lesson task 2.4.4 Monitor students’ learning progress by using data on Google Classroom
2.5 School-based Support Services (SBSS) by EDB: Optimize curriculum planning and implementation to nurture priority values and attitudes 2.5.1 Target students: P.3 2.5.2 Co-plan (1 / every 2 weeks) 2.5.3 Values: ‘Benevolence’,‘Filial Piety’ and‘Unity’ 2.5.4 Lesson observation 2.5.5 Evaluation 2.5.6 Sharing in English meeting
2.6 Learning Hubs: Good practices on values education will be shared among schools and tried out in lessons 2.6.1 Target students: P.2 2.6.2 teachers attend cluster meetings 2.6.3 Co-plan (1 / semester) 2.6.4 Try out in lessons 2.6.5 Sharing among schools 2.6.6 Sharing in English meeting
2.7 Positive values and attitudes about national identity should be included into the learning objectives of related chapters 2.7.1 Target students: P.1, 4 2.7.2 Scheme of work 2.7.3 Co-plan lesson plan 2.7.4 Students’ self-evaluation by using‘Values Pledge’in textbook
3.1 NET Scheme
3.1.1 Reading lessons (P.1-3)
3.1.2 Co-plan meeting (every two weeks)
3.1.3 Gifted Class (P.5-6)
3.1.4 Puppetry Class (P.4-6)
3.1.5 Chu Yan Radio
3.1.6 Play Station (P.1-2) – English games and morning reading
3.2 Teaching
3.2.1 Student Assessment (STAR) (P.3-6)
3.2.2 Reader’s Theatre (P.1: once per year, P.2-3: once per semester)
3.2.3 Self-assessment (once per chapter)
3.2.4 Grace (P.3-6)
3.2.5 Theme-based reading (P.1-3)
3.3 Activities and competitions
3.3.1 P.6 Interview Class
3.3.2 Penmanship Competition
3.3.3 Spelling Bee (2 weeks before exam week) (in-class competition)
3.3.4 Choral Speaking Competition (P.4-5) (interclass competition)
3.3.5 Weather report (P.3)
3.3.6 Easter Egg Hunt (P.1-2)
P.1 -2 Easter Egg Hunt - Find the eggs
P.1 -2 Easter Egg Hunt - Games
P.1 Reader's Theatre 1
P.1 Reader's Theatre 2
P.1 STEAM Activities 1
P.1-2 Easter Egg Hunt - Collecting gifts
P.1-3 NET lessons
P.2 STEAM Activities 2
P.2 STEAM Activities
P.3 NET lessons - Making Banana lollies
P.3 Reader's Theatre
P.4 Choral Speaking Competition 2
P.4 Choral Speaking Competiton 1
P.4-6 NET lessons
P.5 Choral Speaking Competition
P.6 English Workshop 1
P.6 English Workshop 2
Puppet Show
Puppetry Class 1
Puppetry Class 2
Singapore Study Tour - PE lessons
Singapore Study Tour - Visit Merlion Park
Singapore Study Tour - Zoom meeting
Spelling Bee 1
Spelling Bee 2
Spelling Bee 3
Spelling Bee 4